Wind, temps prevail for linksters

By Becky Walz,

Ben Bockman tracks his ball after a swing in recent Decorah golf action.(Photo courtesy of Tami Bohr)

The Decorah boys golf team competed at the Manchester Golf Invitational Friday with the wind and cold conditions making the day very challenging for the Vikings.
Solon had the low team score of the day with 323 with West Delaware the runner-up with 326. Medalist of the meet was Carter Lamont with a one over par 73 from Vinton. Runner-up with a 74 was Pella’s AJ Hoekstra.
Low for the Vikings was Lane Rolfs with a 92 on the par-72 course. Other scores for Decorah were Jack Knoke 94, Kollin Henry 95, Andrew Olson 98, Brandan Darling 98 and Jackson Pipho 99.
“With this being only our third meet thus far, our inconsistency was a big factor in our scores,” said Coach Rich Gaard.
The Vikes hosted Crestwood Monday at Silvercrest Golf and Country Club. Tuesday, April 25, Decorah will join South Winn on the links at South Winn Golf and Country Club at 4 p.m.

Manchester Invite team scores
1. Solon 323; 2. West Delaware 326; 3. Pella 333; 4. Center Point-Urbana 335; 5. Waverly-Shell Rock 335; 6. Columbus Catholi 336; 7. Vinton-Shellsburg 337; 8. Clear Creek-Amana 343; 9. Williamsburg 355; 10. Independence 359; 11. Benton 377; 12. Decorah 379

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