By Becky Walz,

The mats were busy again Tuesday night as the South Winn boys’ wrestling team competed at Starmont, coming away with a pair of dual wins.
The Warriors picked up wins over Postville, 70-12, and Starmont, 48-33, and dropped a dual to Nashua-Plainfield, 46-24.
In the dual with Nashua-Plainfield, South Winn managed six victories. At 106 pounds, Gavin Thuente won a 9-2 decision over Connor Sullivan. Lukas Weiss outlasted Tyler Zimmer at 138 pounds to win an 8-6 decision. Collin Holm threw Devon Griffin in 1:49 at 144 pounds. It was Landen Schnuelle picking up the 6-2 decision over Devon Blanchard at 150 pounds. At 165 pounds, Kyle Kuboushek managed a 2-1 decision over Dylan Blanchard, while Parker Timp (215) pinned Michael Stroud in 45 seconds.
In the lopsided win over Postville, the Warriors garnered eight falls, one decision and received a trio of forfeits. Recording pins in the dual were Weiss (138), Schnuelle (150), Ohrt (157), Kuboushek (165), Timp (215), Thuente (106), Aiden Feickert (113) and Jamison Zweibahmer (120). Ray Lienau secured a 10-2 major decision at 190 pounds, while Parker Dahl (132), Holm (144) and Bo Wangsness (126) received forfeits.
The closest dual of the night came between South Winn and host Starmont, with the Warriors picking up six falls and two forfeits. Throwing their opponents were Thuente (106), Feickert (113), Wangsness (132), Holm (144), Kuboushek (165) and Lienau (190), while Weiss (138) and Cooper Huinker (126) received forfeits.
The next chance to catch the Warriors on the mats is Thursday, Jan. 18, in a double dual at Decorah as they square off with the Vikes and Charles City. Saturday, Jan. 20, South Winn is at the Alburnett tournament at 9:30 a.m.
South Winn 24, Nashua-Plainfield 46
106 – Gavin Thuente (SW) won 9-2 dec. over Connor Sullivan (N-P); 113 – Aiden Feickert (SW) LBF in 1:41 to Nic Brase (N-P); 120 – Jamison Zweibahmer (SW) LBF in 1:11 to Jayden Rinken (N-P); 126 – Bo Wangsness (SW) lost 10-2 maj. dec. to Hayden Munn (N-P); 132 – Parker Dahl (SW) LBF in 0:40 to Luke Zwanziger (N-P); 138 – Lukas Weiss (SW) won 8-6 dec. over Tyler Zimmer (N-P); 144 – Collin Holm (SW) WBF in 1:49 over Devon Griffin (N-P); 150 – Landen Schnuelle (SW) won 6-2 dec. over Devon Blanchard (N-P); 157 – Brady Ohrt (SW) LBF in 1:40 to Jackson Carey (N-P); 165 – Kyle Kuboushek (SW) won 2-1 dec. over Dylan Blanchart (N-P); 175 – Quinn Huinker (SW) LBF in 1:11 to Titus Evans (N-P); 190 – Ray Lienau (SW) LBF in 1:31 to Tate White (N-P); 215 – Parker Timp (SW) WBF in 0:45 over Michael Stroud (N-P); 285 – Kolton Brummond (SW) LBF 0:23 to Isaac Jones (N-P)
South Winn 70, Postville 12
106 – Thuente (SW) WBF in 1:34 over Michael Hill (Postville); 113 – Feickert (SW) WBF in 1:12 over Darinel Ramirez (Postville); 120 – Zweibahmer (SW) WBF in 0:25 over Yordi Perez (Postville); 126 – Wangsness (SW) won by forfeit; 132 – Dahl (SW) won by forfeit; 138 – Weiss (SW) WBF in 0:56 over Gael Torres (Postville); 144 – Holm (SW) won by forfeit; 150 – Schnuelle (SW) WBF in 1:37 over Manuel Garrido (Postville); 157 – Ohrt (SW) WBF in 3:18 over Philip Clocksin (Postville); 165 – Kuboushek (SW) WBF in 1:42 over Gustavo Moncada (Postville); 175 – Q. Huinker (SW) LBF in 0:59 to Stephen Russell (Postville); 190 – Lienau (SW) won 10-2 maj. dec. over Conner Wenthe (Postville); 215 – Timp (SW) WBF in 1:16 over Sam Acevedo (Postville); 285 – Brummond (SW) LBF in 2:34 to Antoni Solovi (Postville)
South Winn 48, Starmont 33
106 – Thuente (SW) WBF in 5:31 over Syrus Baker (Starmont); 113 – Feickert (SW) WBF in 0:27 over Isaac Smith (Starmont); 120 – Zweibahmer (SW) LBF in 3:37 to Jax Tommasin (Starmont); 126 – Cooper Huinker (SW) won by forfeit; 132 – Wangsness (SW) WBF in 1:19 over Gabe Augustine (Starmont); 138 – Weiss (SW) won by forfeit; 144 – Holm (SW) WBF in 1:44 over Anthony King (Starmont); 150 – Schnuelle (SW) LBF in 2:44 to Keaton Moeller (Starmont); 157 – Ohrt (SW) lost 4-0 dec. to Jase Tommasin (Starmont); 165 – Kuboushek (SW) WBF in 3:56 over Benton Parkin (Starmont); 175 – Q. Huinker (SW) LBF in 1:37 to Kelly Barajas (Starmont); 190 – Lienau (SW) WBF in 1:25 over Vincent Recker (Starmont); 215 – Timp (SW) LBF in 2:14 to Owen Recker (Starmont); 285 – Brummond (SW) LBF in 1:19 to Gabe Cummer (Starmont)
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