We can do better

By Steve St. Clair, Decorah

We can do better than Michael Bergan as our representative in the Iowa House. There are many reasons, but consider these three: First, despite broad public support for abortion rights subject only to reasonable restrictions, Bergan voted for Iowa’s extreme fetal heartbeat law that will cause immeasurable injury to women by banning nearly all abortions after about 6 weeks – before many women even know they’re pregnant. So much for looking out for the rights and health of Iowa women.

Second, Bergan showed a disregard for the needs of working folks when he supported a cut-back on the evening hours for voting on election day. It wasn’t a voting security issue – it was just an effort to make it tougher for regular folks to get to the polls and get their votes counted at the end of a hard day’s work. Mean-spirited, plain and simple.

And third: Bergan showed his true colors when he used taxpayer money to send himself on winter trips to Florida vacation spots to attend public board meetings that had no business being held anywhere other than in Iowa. (Google “lavish ICAP spending”)  When Bergan and the other free-spending board members were called out by major newspapers and tv stations in Waterloo, Dubuque, and the Quad Cities (among others), did he resign his position in shame? No. Did he at least acknowledge poor judgment and apologize to voters and taxpayers? No again. 

Northeast Iowa, we can do better – WAY better – than Michael Bergan as our District 63 representative in the Iowa House. His opponent, Tim Lecander, can be trusted to better serve the interests of Iowa women, as well as Iowa voters and taxpayers in general.

Steve St. Clair, Decorah

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