Letter to the editor:
First, I am supportive of local law enforcement, the fire department, and businesses. I am a proud graduate of Decorah High School, and I am a taxpayer.
Although the information that Bolton and Menk shared were “just proposals,” some of the presentation appeared as thought deals were “done.” Unanswered questions include: Emergency routes were not shown; City and Property Lines were not defined; without security lights installed, the trail near the high school poses as a “Stranger Danger” situation; Parkling for businesses must be preserved. At least one business faces the North Alley. Numerous businesses use their back door as a second entrance. Parking needs to be rpeszerves for those who live downtown.; Taxpayers need to know the differences in costs related to demolishing John Cline vs. transporting students to NW for one semester while a new school is built.
Considering the amount of land that would be lost to student parking, why not build a parking ramp?
Nordic Fest’s Beer Garden should be moved to the lower parking lot. This would allow Vesterheim to pursue their projects.
Water Street Park must be preserved. Community members donated money to the worthy cause. The Farmer’s Market is a valuable tool in attracting people to Decorah. They should remain where they are.
One display showcased a “multi-living” complex. What happens if the occupancy rate can’t be maintained? Affordable housing is needed.
Decorah can be progressive and still be protective of the beauty and history of the area.
Laurie Worcester, Decorah
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