Thoughts on following Jesus’ example

By Chuck Huber, Decorah

Thank you Marianne Edgar Budde and Catholic bishops for telling Trump what a man of God should be like and do.

Our government has started picking up immigrants in California, even before they headed to their jobs picking oranges. The next day, 75 percent of the laborers stayed home rather than be apprehended. So, who is going to pick the oranges now? What do you think that’s going to do to the price of oranges?

The people who come here to pick our oranges, vegetables, roof our houses, do construction, work in packing plants, milk our cows in the mega dairies and do countless jobs that others don’t want to do. They work long days in the fields, are good family people and pay billions of dollars in income and sales tax every single year. Illegals don’t file income tax, so their withholdings are never reclaimed. The idea that immigrants are driving US crime rates up is a myth. Look it up. The fear mongering seems to have taken root with some, but it is as real as the moon is made of green cheese. These folks want to work hard, see their families have a roof over their head and food to eat. They, like all of us, simply wish for a better life for their children. They are God fearing and kind.

Unlike many in the Washington today, Marianne Budde has read her Bible. All of it. She is faithfully following the works of Jesus.

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