The Jabs and Jab-Nots: it’s time for reason and listening

By David Bakken MD, Max Quaas MD & Kevin Sand MD all of Decorah

Dear Editor,
Thanks for your attention. This is important stuff! Those of you reading this recognize the two newest divisions in America. The Vaccinated and The Unvaccinated. Tragically, this now separates low risk COVID-19 victims from those with much higher chance of hospitalizations and death.   
Why is this?  How did it come to be?  
Reasons for vaccine hesitancy and refusal are numerous.  They may be from information that was well intended, but misleading or presented with partial truths. Or worse, there are disinformation campaigns with ulterior motives. Then, of course, there is the understandable fear of the unknown, and a widespread distrust of “The System,” or “The Government.”  Remember, at the end of the day, people believe what they believe because it feels right.  Most folks don’t get up in the morning intending to make bad decisions or cause harm to themselves or others.  
Psychologists have known for decades that minds are not changed using anger, shaming, pity, bullying, disapproval, scientific arguments or long lists of facts. People just dig in their heels. But fruitful conversations can start with caring and familiar people who can actively listen with empathy. Understanding peoples’ worries about vaccine safety is important. Validating their emotions and feelings is important. It sets the stage for a more productive exchange of ideas. Only then might misinformation be addressed and politely corrected. 
 As an example, it’s very common for people to justify by saying, “I heard…,” or “Everyone knows….” When you hear those words, please pause and take a closer look at the source.  Is something true just because “They” said it?  Is it WORTH betting your life on? 
Now is the time, dear readers, to take action, use good communication tools, and have that conversation with a vaccine-hesitant friend or loved one. 
Listen to their worries. 
Find out what scares them. 
And then have “The Talk”.
You may save a life.

David Bakken MD, 
Max Quaas MD, 
Kevin Sand MD, 
all of Decorah

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