Squeaky wheels and loud voices aren’t always worth listening to

By Roger and Denise Uhlenhake, Rural Ossian

Dear Editor,

With election season ramping up, recently there have been letters and articles which have criticized and cast doubt on the work and leadership Dan Langreck has put forth as Winneshiek County Supervisor and chair of the board.

As a native of Winneshiek County, Dan is a successful and very hard-working independent business man. He has also dedicated a tremendous amount of time in service to the county as a whole in his role as supervisor, visiting all areas of his district and hearing from citizens. He has also dedicated many years to serving the community of Ossian as a member of its city council. Dan spends a great deal of time researching and educating himself on the nuances of laws and policies, being particularly attentive to the county’s fiscal responsibility to its taxpayers.

Just one example of Dan’s work resulted in a savings of around $40,000 per year to the county in insurance coverage expenses alone. When others question his “reluctance to compromise with county employees on budget and salary issues,” it is important to keep in mind the financial boundaries the county must maintain to stay solvent, since one of the largest shares of the county budget goes to cover payroll and benefits. Many groups have a special interest when requesting county money, but the funds have to be available and allocated within the budget to do so. Dan is very attentive to this and is determined to keep a tight rein on the spending of our taxpayer dollars. Others may express different views or may simply prefer to raise taxes to spend more, but as a taxpayer, we feel we pay enough already and the county must live within its means. If that means making hard decisions such as turning down funding requests, downsizing or delaying some programs or improvements until funds are available, it’s no different than what we must do in our own households to stay solvent and out of debt. Inflation is up and money is tight. That’s a fact and all the more reason to keep spending under control in our opinion, but some seem to prefer to foster a sense of distrust and polarization by suggesting that partisanship plays a role in the difficult balancing act of county economics.

As chair, it is Dan’s responsibility to maintain order at each supervisors meeting. This means sometimes disappointing people who want to express themselves on the record but are not on the agenda or who wish to speak over their allotted time. There can be contentious moments, and there are times when it is the visitors themselves who have raised their voices when being asked to stand down.

Dan has dedicated himself to serving our county on the board of supervisors with a spirit of collaboration, integrity, knowledge, objectivity and transparency. He works hard to collaborate with county officials, citizens and the board as a whole to conscientiously and responsibly serve the taxpayers of this county.

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but in this recent “opinion page campaign” maybe the loudest voices aren’t the ones you should listen to.

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