Snowmobiling is a privilege, not a right

By Bud Winter - President, Trails Unlimited Snowmobile Club

Dear Editor,
Do you see what’s wrong in this photo? This is one of many photos taken this year of snowmobilers completely breaking the rules. 
Users are ignoring our double-marked trail signs and driving off the designated trail system on to landowners’ hay fields. I have never been so disappointed with our snowmobiling community. Generally speaking, everyone deserves a second chance. So let this photo be an opportunity to educate (or remind) all snowmobilers how to read and obey by trail signs. When you see a trail double-marked like this picture, that means the designated trail runs in-between the signs, hence where you must drive. Do not veer outside of the signs. It does not matter if you feel another route is better – the club has worked closely with each of our 100+ landowners to determine these exact trails. 
All snowmobilers are essentially guests given special permission to access private land which make up our awesome trails. What does the landowner receive in return? Nothing. All they ask is for snowmobilers to respect their land. So why can’t our snowmobile community at least have the decency to drive where the signs direct? Those who go off the trail like this are clearly not true friends of snowmobiling and do not respect those who make these trails possible. Our volunteer club members work year round putting in countless hours partnering with landowners, hosting fundraisers, writing grants, spreading awareness, creating maps, installing signs and grooming trails. We are extremely furious and frustrated by those who are putting these trails at risk. Several landowners have said if this happens one more time we no longer have access to their land. 
Snowmobiling is a privilege, not a right. It does not matter one bit that enthusiasts paid registration fees and purchased a trail pass. They are not entitled to any of our club’s trails. The snowmobilers who are welcome and encouraged to ride the Trails Unlimited Snowmobile Club trails are those who will follow our signs, respect our landowners and be safe while riding.  If anyone thinks otherwise, please call me and I’ll direct them to the landowners whose fields have been recently torn up. Let me know how that conversation goes.
Our club proudly maintains the trail system of southern Winneshiek and northern Fayette counties. I’m not afraid to take a stand for all of us who do so much for the Iowa snowmobiling program. We aspire to provide safe trails to those who appreciate them and are thankful for the opportunity to ride them. As always, a huge thank you to the thousands of landowners everywhere that grant us permission to cross their land.  Unless snowmobilers want to ride only ditches the rest of their lives they better start following the rules, be respectful and join our club (or a club in their area) to show support.
Bud Winter, 
President, Trails Unlimited 
Snowmobile Club 


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