Response to Craig Spilde’s March 11, 2021 letter:

By Rich Lukes, Calmar

Dear Editor,
Iowa voting law. 
I could not disagree more with Craig Spilde and his negative stance directed at Senator Mike Klimesh and Mike’s desire to achieve fair and honest elections.
Craig’s assumption that there was a fair and honest election in 2020 is highly questionable. There is more than enough evidence provided by numerous states, through sworn affidavits declaring fraudulent activity. This was well summarized by Mike Lindell in the documentary “Absolute Proof.”  
Regarding the 62 courts not finding fraud, the court system chose to dismiss cases on standing, which is far different than saying the courts found no significant evidence of fraud. How can a comment like that be made if the evidence brought forth wasn’t heard in court?
In my opinion, Craig made a somewhat derogatory assertion by stating Mike had overly simplistic logic. There is a well-known acronym “K.I.S.S.” (Keep It Simple Stupid).  Effective simplification is always best; whereas, over complication can lead to fraud, as evidenced by sworn affidavits in the 2020 election.
It’s really quite simple. If you want to vote, go to your polling place and show your ID proving you are a U.S citizen of legal voting age. If you cannot vote in person, apply for and return a mail-in ballot using proper identification. We show a picture ID for most everything; why should voting be any different?
Remember every illegal/fraudulent vote negates the vote of the honest person who did everything right.
Thank you, Mike Klimesh, for your representation.   

Rich Lukes


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