The March 4 ‘yes’ vote regarding the Municipal Energy Utility is a vote to begin the process of being able to properly evaluate whether or not an MEU will be a good fit for our Decorah community.
We can’t make a good judgment without good information. So let’s get the information straight from the horse’s mouth. Alliant Energy (AE) would need to provide it to the city and Decorah residents if we have the MEU legal status as a utility.
1.) If AE is so sure of their operation costs, pricing structure here in Decorah, why not tell everyone in Decorah to vote yes? Then the Decorah community will see what is what.
2.) Is AE spending wheelbarrows full of money on their campaign to defeat the MEU effort? Yes. Ya you bet ‘ya. But only the CEO and the bookkeeper knows for sure how much. We will never know! And of course it’s our money, dollars from Decorah, which could be better spent here in Decorah rather than in Madison.
3.) Why are so many complaining about the money the city of Decorah is spending to explore the possibilities of a MEU with a ‘yes’ vote and not complaining about all of our money AE is spending on their campaign against the ‘yes’ vote?
4.) Do the AE stockholders believe their stock value will fall significantly if Decorah votes ‘yes’ on the MEU? If you do, then maybe you should rethink your investment strategy.
5.) Why are so many gray hairs not wanting to vote ‘yes’? This is an opportunity for you to do another good thing for your children’s generation and your grandchildren’s generation and more generations to follow them. This will be a wonderful long-term gift to our Decorah community and future generations.
6.) Did AE sell off several of their rural service areas in southeast Minnesota a handful of years back? Yes. Why? Wanna bet that town and city communities are much more profitable than the rural countryside services? But yet, Minnesota/lowa — MI Energy — seems to be doing just fine in those rural service areas and in communities like Spring Grove, Minnesota, with their MEU.
7.) Where are the independent voices, the conservatives voices and the libertarians voices who say they believe in ‘local control’ but yet, are not voting ‘yes’ on the MEU?
8.) How many of the AE decision makers — who would not be voting ‘yes’ if they lived in Decorah — do you bump into on the street, meet at church, greet in a restaurant or perhaps chat with at the grocery store here in Decorah? Zip, zilch, nada, zero.
9.) Does Decorah have municipally owned utilities? Yes. There is the water utility, the sewer utility, and the forestry utility. The city of Decorah is also exploring the possibility of expanding current fiber optics services, eventually making it available as a public utility for all Decorah businesses and citizens.
How am I voting? ‘Yes,’ of course. I favor local control. I favor keeping our money in our community, managing it locally — approximately $10 million-plus. I favor us…you, me and our Decorahian neighbors and generations to come. I hope you’ll join me in voting ‘yes’. Let’s find out what our community possibilities are. It just might be electrifying.
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