Overwhelming and hard questions deserve our best effort

By Don Fish, Decorah

Human beings’ deep awareness of life is a mixed blessing. The wonderful diversity of all life and the depth of the universe is not completely understandable. When we become overwhelmed, we retreat into denial or become polarized to pretend we understand the complex issue. Polarization, if left unresolved, tends to stifle group problem solving and cooperation. If you take a good look at history and the present state of our civilization, you may see how polarization leads to win/lose competition and war. Our human and natural resources are being wasted by our selfish greed and entitlement. Greed competition by tribal, ethnic, national and religious groups are natural short term responses to survival fear but are not good long term solutions for life and our planet. Many old and new prophets have seen this dilemma and offered wise council about the need for love, compassion and cooperative sharing. Humans become addicted to short term solutions and immediate gratification rather than doing the hard work to create long term quality of life. Materialism, competitive economics and war are strategies that we use which support entitled survival.

History and the social sciences give us clues about ways to improve the big picture; we are all in this together! There are useful coping skills to help us face our survival fears so that we can consider better long term actions. These are not included in our usual definition of common sense, as common sense usually tells us to take the quickest solution to fear rather than honestly work together. We can help ourselves and our children to talk about fears, rehearse good responses, talk with neighbors, even our enemies, creatively search for win-win long term solutions and listen deeply to others’ ideas and concerns. We know by now that life is not perfect but is more fun and exciting when we work together. Taking responsibility for all life and the planet and our neighbors is exciting and meaningful. It is not about perfection but about participation. Good work, if you want it. What more could you ask for?

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