Other reader says ‘it takes a village’ to return a car key

By Sharon DelVento, Decorah

Dear Editor,

On Aug. 28, I think it was, I went for an early morning walk for about an hour. Some while after I got home, I went to grab my car key from my little purse, and realized that I had left unzipped the pocket where the key had been, and that it must have fallen out somewhere along my route. So, even though by now a couple of hours had passed, I slowly retraced my steps, asking the occasional walkers I came across if they had seen it. Nope.

But then I arrived at Phelps Park, and now I must express my gratitude.

Thank you to the two people who found my car key by the stone wall in Phelps Park, and who handed the key over to the parks and rec guy who happened to be in the park at the time.

Thank you to the man who later noticed me diligently scanning the ground, hunting for my key, and who called out, “Hey, are you looking for a car key?” and who then proceeded to tell me what had happened earlier with the two people and the parks and rec guy.

And thank you to the parks and rec guy, who was still at the picnic shelter and still had my key.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but apparently it also takes a small quorum to get my key back to me!

I’d like to attribute my good fortune to St. Anthony, whose medal is on my keychain — he is, after all, the patron saint of finding missing objects — but I think it’s more likely just Decorah; a nice town where people go out of their way to help, whether they live here or not.

Or it could have been St. Anthony working through four different people. Who knows? I’ll just send out grateful vibes to those four people in particular, to Decorah in general and to the universe at large.

And to St. Anthony, just to cover all my bases.


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