O’Rourke claims ‘I had the audacity to ask questions’

By Melissa O’Rourke, Rural Winneshiek County

This letter is not just about me – but silence is complicity. Change is needed on the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors.  Our opportunity to make this change is fast approaching.

On Monday, Sept. 30, three members of the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors continued their quest to build personal power and compound their continuing failures to act in the best interests of Winneshiek County. They knew I could not be there, as I was out of the country on a long-planned trip – and they were not brave enough to hold this discussion and vote in my presence or allow me any voice. At this meeting, the three-man coalition — Langreck, Kelsay and Vick — ousted me from the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Why was I “ousted?” Because in the course of serving Winneshiek County residents, I had the audacity to ask questions and raise issues – including matters related to the duties of the zoning administrator. Some examples follow.

In May 2021, an item for “New Business” on the P&Z agenda was a “Bluffland Protection development site plan review.” What a surprise when I drove to the site prior to our meeting and found a completed structure already standing there – approved by the Zoning Administrator Tony Phillips back in April 2020 – with no review by the planning and zoning commission. The Bluffland Protection Overlay District was established to “preserve the scenic qualities of bluffs, protect sensitive natural features and groundwater and prevent the process of erosion” and the ordinance provides in part that persons desiring to construct a structure “shall only do so following review and approval by the commission” or “following issuance of a conditional use permit as prescribed in this ordinance” as appropriate. This was just the first time that Mr. Phillips did not like my questions of any kind – particularly questions that implicated the performance of his job duties as a taxpayer-paid county employee. Why had he approved this structure in light of our county zoning ordinances?

More recently in July 2024, I noted the failure of Zoning Administrator Phillips to comply with Chapter 504.4(2) of the Winneshiek County Zoning Ordinance which provides: “Upon receipt of the application [for rezoning] by the administrator a copy shall be forwarded immediately to the commission for study and recommendation.” “Immediately” means at once or without delay. In my opinion, the zoning administrator fails to comply with this mandate because he does not want commission members to have time for “study and recommendation” – to conduct the research and examination needed to make an informed recommendation and act in the best interests of Winneshiek County residents.

The July 9, 2024, P&Z agenda — received at the last minute, as always — had an item requesting rezoning of Winneshiek County agricultural land to general industrial zoning to accommodate construction of a large industrial biogas digester project.  Zoning Administrator Phillips received the application on June 19. Phillips delayed until at least July 1 to place the materials in the US Mail, knowing there would be mail delays due to the July 4 holiday. This particular project merited significant in-depth study and consideration by commission members. All the details of this are public record, and my message to the P&Z commission chair and vice-chair are attached to the minutes of the July 2024 meetings.

As the end of my term approached, I hand-delivered my written desire to continue serving on the planning and zoning commission. Mr. Phillips accepted it, but did not have the courage to tell me that he would recommend my removal from the P&Z. The board of supervisors knew that I would be out of the country on Sept. 30. They lacked the courage to delay discussion of my ouster until I could be there in person. And by the way – Supervisor Steve Kelsay made an entirely false assertion at the Sept. 30 meeting – that he had served on the planning and zoning commission with me, which never happened – perhaps to give credibility to his comments. Of course, Kelsay knew that I was not there to fact check this lie – so he could make his false statement with impunity. Led by the BOS Chair Dan Langreck, the three-man trio is too timid to notify me or hold this discussion and vote in my presence.

Winneshiek County voters have the opportunity to replace Langreck with an independent voice who will listen to all viewpoints and treat people with respect.

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