Many chances

By Johanna Bergan, Decorah

I would like to address a common concern I’ve heard about the March 4 referendum vote to establish a municipal electric utility. Some feel that having just “one vote” means they only get one chance to have a say in Decorah’s future and whether a municipal electric utility should be established. However, I want to reassure you that there will be many opportunities for citizens to provide input and influence decisions that will shape our community moving forward — and shape it locally.

March 4 is likely the only time we will have a vote to speak our mind about our satisfaction with our current electric provider. And it’s our only voting chance to indicate to our city and the Iowa Utilities Commission we want to learn more about the opportunity an MEU could provide. Outside of this rather unique referendum opportunity, we are bound to the decisions of the IUC to select and regulate our electric utility provider. Let’s pause for a moment and think about how exciting it is that we get a voting voice in this otherwise highly regulated state process.

While March 4 offers the first opportunity to provide input with our vote, there is the potential for a second vote. If the city were to require funding for the application process to the IUC, obligation bonds could be needed. At this time, voters would have to approve the general obligation bond which would need 60 percent of the vote to pass. For many reasons, including that the MEU process never moves forward or because the purchase and transition can be funded through revenue bonds, this second vote may not happen. I am ready and excited for Decorah to be able to vote a second time, should it be needed.

However, all of the above is not nearly as consequential as the many other opportunities each voter has to weigh in and be heard on the future of an MEU exploration in our community. The very nature of this process demands that city elected officials lead in this process and take on the responsibility of deciding when and how to move forward in this exploration, and should an MEU be established, many responsibilities on the establishment of rates, policies, planning and management. No longer will a three-person, governor-appointed commission in Des Moines hold the keys to Decorah’s energy future. Instead, a seven-member body, duly elected — by you — would make the decisions. And this means, we get many chances to be heard at the ballot box. Next November, we get the chance to elect a mayor and three city council members. In another two years, we have the opportunity to elect four city council members. And so on and so forth. In a process to move from exploration to implementation of an MEU, a conservative timeline would suggest a minimum of five years. All Decorah residents/citizens will have a dozen plus votes to guide our city’s process in this effort.

One of the greatest possibilities I see in the March 4 referendum is exactly this. The potential to bring decisions about our energy future to our literal front door. Join me in voting yes on March 4. Let’s keep the door open to opportunity.

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