Local elections are pillar of democracy

By Steve Cornelius, Decorah

America’s nearly 250-year experiment with democracy has had its share of challenges, including a civil war, numerous political and social insurrections and leadership assassinations. But overall, the scorecard is positive. As Winston Churchill wisely noted: “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

Why is that? There are many reasons for its success in the United States. Some relate to the strategic vision of the founders or the genius of the constitution and its adaptability to social change, and the power-sharing structure among the national, state and local levels of government. No less important is the freedom of candidates to seek public office as nonpartisans. This is especially important at the community level.

Citizens of Winneshiek County have an opportunity to help strengthen this important pillar of local democracy by electing a representative to the board of supervisors who is committed to fact-based, politically independent decision-making. Previous letters to this paper have reviewed a litany of ill-informed and biased positions taken by the current holder of the District 4 supervisor seat. It’s time for a change.

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