Dear Editor,
Many of us would agree that constitutional democracy in the United States is in a state of poor health. Broken institutions and mutual distrust among citizens have caused individuals to turn inward and seek self-protection while they turn away from institutions of government and forms of civic participation in which they no longer believe or from which they are excluded. The symptoms of civic illness are not hard to identify; however, we (myself included) may feel unqualified to talk about effective treatments for an ailing democracy.
I am grateful for friends, neighbors and colleagues with excellent training, strong understanding of constitutional democracy and a willingness to share their knowledge with our community. In addition to these local resources, I write to recommend a report published in 2020 by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship. The report is titled “Our Common Purpose: Reinventing American Democracy for the 21st Century” and is available free online: https://www.amacad.org/ourcommonpurpose/report
Reading the full report is worthwhile, especially to understand the commission’s goals and methods, but if you only have time for a couple of pages, I urge you to read the “Overview of Strategies and Recommendations.” For those of us who struggle to see which solutions might really improve civic health in the United States, this section offers concrete, persuasive recommendations, such as ranked-choice voting in presidential and congressional elections; independent citizen redistricting commissions in every state; universal automatic voter registration; restoring voting rights to citizens with felony convictions; a National Trust for Civic Infrastructure; a public-interest mandate for for-profit social media platforms; and a Telling Our Nation’s Story initiative. These are only a few of the report’s recommendations, and each recommendation comes with an explanation of its contribution to more inclusive participation and trust in U. S. constitutional democracy.
Even if you don’t agree with every recommendation in the report, please consider writing to your elected representatives to encourage them to pursue the solutions that do seem worthwhile. These ideas are also worth conversation when we are able to gather safely (and bravely) to nourish our civic body by listening to one another.
David R. Thompson
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