While there isn’t a formal document that lays out our policy for letters to the editor, there are plenty of guidelines we do our best to follow.
Obviously we don’t allow things like libelous claims or profanity. We also try our best not to print misinformation that may be included in letters to the editor. Letters can mention candidates’ names, which is fine (it’s pretty hard sometimes to make one’s point without being specific like that). They just can’t endorse candidates or businesses — if a letter sounds like a resume or the speech someone would give before an awards banquet, chances are we’ll decline it. We recommend folks stick to discussing issues rather than promoting people. That line can get a little blurry when authors want to express their views on the actions or behavior of a particular party or person, but we try to do our best so that both sides have the chance to voice their opinions. Some authors may have a proverbial axe to grind, but that alone shouldn’t preclude anyone from contributing to the local opinion page.
Even if you have something critical to say about the paper, let us have it. Criticism is often just as important as praise.
Other than that, we don’t accept anonymous letters or letters which use pen names, and authors need to include their street address, though we’ll only publish their city of residency. We also don’t accept form letters, which are basically templates that campaigns and other groups send to their supporters in hopes they’ll sign a copy and submit it to their local paper as if it was locally produced (admittedly, it’s hard to catch those all the time). I’m not opposed to printing legislative columns on the opinion page in order to allow readers to hear from their state and federal lawmakers, but so far we’ve had enough letters to keep the opinion page full without that — again, I imagine plenty of editors in communities our size would envy the level of participation you’ve displayed on the opinion page, dear reader.
I may be forgetting some particulars off the top of my head, but I’d say that’s our opinion page policy in a nutshell.
So remember, if you’ve got something to say let us know. Letters to the editor can be emailed to editor@decorahleader.com, or they can be mailed to our office at 110 Washington Street – Suite 4 here in Decorah (you’re also welcome to drop them off in person if you’re in the neighborhood).
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