If it benefits Decorah in the long run, then that’s what we’ll do

By Cody Whittle, Decorah

I’m writing this letter to voice my support for a yes vote on the March 4 referendum to establish a municipal electric utility, because I know that a yes vote will give us more rights as a community. A yes vote would make it possible for us to learn what kind of options we may have available to us, without binding us to anything we wouldn’t be prepared to move forward on. If the vote passes and we gain access to the information that allows us to do a proper study into what an MEU would cost but find out that it’s not something that would make financial sense to move forward with, then we don’t have to and Alliant remains our provider. However, If we find that it would actually benefit Decorah in the long run, then that’s what we’ll do. If Alliant truly is our best all-around option, as they claim to be, it seems they would want to be open and transparent with the information that would prove this claim to be true.

I’ve been frustrated by Alliant’s division-inducing scare tactics that call this referendum a “government takeover” when in reality it is citizens and neighbors trying to find out if we have another option other than the no-choice monopoly we currently fall under, or claiming that this will raise our taxes when they know that this could be paid for with the revenue that it generates — through our monthly electric bills — and that we wouldn’t actually need to raise taxes, or that we should be afraid of debt even though, according to Alliant’s website information for investors, Alliant Energy itself has over $8 billion in long term debt, (information found at investors.alliantenergy.com) which gets passed on to the customers while the investors get dividend payments. Our hard-earned money goes to outside investors who have no understanding of what it means to live here when that money could stay within the community and help pay for the things that we need. That is why I am voting yes to see if we can make our electricity publicly owned instead of corporate-controlled. I express these views as a private citizen and do not speak for city council as a whole.


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