Handle things at a local level

By Mark Donhowe, Decorah

Dear Editor:
Through the years, one of the principles of the Republican Party was things were best handled at the local level. Rather than the federal level, it was better to deal with issues at the state level and, even better, to be addressed at the county, city and school district level. 
Well, those Republicans in Des Moines just threw that principle (and the solid logic behind it) out the window with their recent middle of the night act which prevented local school districts from continuing to require masks, if they wanted, to safely keep schools open. 
With just a few days left for schools to be in session around the state, the folks in Des Moines felt they knew better than the folks at the local level. Drinking from the cup of power can make one forget one’s principles. It’s pretty clear that is happening (sadly) at the State Capitol.
Hats off to the students, parents, faculty, staff, administration and board of education in Decorah for getting us through the academic school year, including extracurricular activities, safely. Requiring masks was a key component in this accomplishment during a time like no other in the past 100 years. The Decorah School District should be applauded, not questioned, for it’s extremely successful efforts at dealing with the pandemic.
Mark Donhowe

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