Family planning highest impact, most cost-effective investment

By Debra Bishop, R.N., Decorah

Dear Editor,
My September 2020 “Population Connection” magazine states: “Family planning and slower population growth have a positive impact on nearly all 17 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).” These goals are as follows:
1. No poverty; 2. Zero hunger; 3. Good health and well-being; 4. Quality education; 5. Gender equality; 6. Clean water and sanitation; 7. Affordable and clean energy; 8. Decent work and economic growth; 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 10. Reduced inequalities; 11. Sustainable cities and communities; 12. Responsible consumption and production; 13. Climate action; 14. Life below water; 15. Life on land; 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions; 17. Partnerships for the goals.
The magazine article goes on to say that voluntary family planning programs should be a global health and development priority. Congress and the United States should fund family planning programs fully.
“It is the highest impact, most cost-effective investment we can make,” states the article.

Debra Bishop, R.N.

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