Contact your legislators to support HR7 regarding employment equality

By Mary Hoffman - Decorah Area Branch AAUW, Bluffton

Equal Pay Day 2021 was Wednesday, March 24. 
There has been progress since my niece graduated with her BA in 2008 to a 23-cent gender pay gap. Since the Equal Pay Act of 1963 became law, the gender pay gap has narrowed but it has not disappeared. Progress has hit a plateau. Over a lifetime of work that gap amounts to over a million dollars not there to save for a rainy-day fund, not there to keep children out of poverty, and not there to set aside for retirement. 
To bolster the 1963 law, HR7 – The Paycheck Fairness Act is introduced in the US House for the 2020-21 session. It will make three simple and effective changes: remove barriers to discussion of salary, prevent pay based on salary history and reinstate the requirement to report salary data based on gender. This is a win-win. Employees put forward their best efforts when they see their compensation as equitable in a fair workplace.
To read specifics go to Google Make the effort to contact your representatives and senators asking for their support of HR7. I doubt if you want your daughter, grand-daughter, little sister or my great-niece still graduating to a gender pay gap in another thirteen years.
I also remind everyone that American Association of University Women (AAUW) provides online tutorials for salary negotiations. Again, check out 

Mary Hoffman
Decorah Area Branch AAUW

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