Changes need to be made in regard to your [Decorah City Council] budget proposals

By Laurie Worcester, Decorah

Changes need to be made in regard to your [Decorah City Council] budget proposals:

1. Salaries should be frozen, but Decorah should offer outstanding health benefits. No terminations should occur due to staffing numbers. If terminations should occur due to the need to reduce staff, that is the result of poor planning.

2. A moratorium on hiring should take effect immediately.

3. Elected officials should relinquish their stipends.

4. For the time being, all newly-developed department programs and projects should be suspended or cancelled.

5. When the city works with other Decorah elected and non-elected boards, the council must be cognizant of the need to be resourceful. The City Council should consider the future of all of Decorah before giving away or selling assets. For example, there have been talks about the school obtaining part of the tennis court owned by Decorah. If and when the tennis court is no longer owned by Decorah, it could mean Parks and Recreation would be financially responsible for funding a new court. Since they are funded by taxpayers, taxpayers lose in such a negotiation. In another example since a large amount of taxpayer money is allotted to Decorah Schools, questions surface as to how much money was lost when Decorah Schools sold North Winn.

6. There is a limited shelf life when raising taxes. Decorah can be progressive without going into debt. The city council must be resourceful and consider the needs of all of Decorah. Research is needed.

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