Bjerke exhibit is “an amazing accomplishment”

By Jutta F. Anderson, Decorah

Dear Editor, 
Lucille Bjerke, originally from Wisconsin, who also lived at times in Arizona and Illinois, returned to Decorah in 2016, where she once studied painting at Luther College under Orville Running, to live near her son Lee Bjerke, Winneshiek County Civic Engineer. 
Lucille resides at an Aase Haugen Assisted Living apartment where she has turned her small living room into a studio with canvasses hung all the way up to the ceiling or stacked layers deep in corners. While she always stayed in touch with her art, raising two children, (her daughter is an ER physician in Delaware), teaching, building a home, running a gift shop, etc. never allowed her to pursue painting full time. When health issues (Lucille moves around in a wheel chair) and approaching her mid 70s put limitations on her physical whereabouts, she gained the freedom to focus on painting and to pursue her goal: to put together a one-woman show. 
While her imagery is inspired by nature, often by rolling hills and plant life, she takes liberties with her sources, at times, approaching the abstract. “Echoes of Nature,” now on display at ArtHaus, represents the story of a woman who in her late 70s is coming into her own. To this former art historian and contributing editor to an arts magazine Lucille Bjerke’s paintings are a surprising find and an amazing accomplishment at this stage of her life. Don’t miss this show (through mid-March).
Jutta F. Anderson

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