Dear Editor,
It has been interesting, if not disgusting, to watch Mike Bergan and Mike Klimesh twist themselves in linguistic knots trying to justify their votes not to require background checks on private gun sales.
Their votes beg the question: Who do they think they are representing in the Iowa State Legislature? When they were asking for our votes and pledging that they would represent us in the House and Senate, were they actually thinking about us?
They were not elected to represent the now scandal-ridden NRA. They were not elected to represent a few gun owners who think that if you do a background check on a mentally ill person hoping to buy a gun from a private seller, somebody will turn up at their door the very next day to take away their hunting rifle. They were not elected to represent a bunch of political pooh-bahs who only care about chasing a few more votes to stay in power.
These people are not us. These people do not represent where Iowa and this country are about background checks for gun purchases. In the past years credible polls have shown that all Iowans – Republicans, Democrats and Independents – support background checks on all gun purchases. Nationally you get the same response. If you ask law enforcement, you get the same response. Same with career military and veterans.
For goodness’ sake, just ask folks standing in line to buy pork chops at the Fareway meat counter and you will get the same response: Yes, to background checks for all gun purchases – private and otherwise. Here are the facts: 77% of Republicans in this country want universal background checks, as well as 82% of Independents and 92% of Democrats (Newsweek morning consult poll, March 6-8, 2021)
I mean, what part of this do these two guys not understand? I say they do understand. They have chosen the politically expedient path and they don’t seem to be even slightly embarrassed. When they next come around campaigning for your votes, please ask them exactly who they intend to represent down in Des Moines.
Carol Birkland
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