I have been observing the MEU debate as one who has no vote, due to living outside the city limits, but with an interest in the discussion. I recently received my monthly MiEnergy REC magazine. In the CEO message on page two, it was mentioned that Whalan, Minnesota, voted to disband its MEU in November and become part of MiEnergy. Their vote should not be considered in the Decorah MEU debate, since comparing Walen’s 60 electric accounts to Decorah’s 3,900 would be similar to looking at Decorah vs. a city of about 500,000 — I’m using people, not accounts, for this comparison.
What came next I found more interesting. It was noted that MiEnergy supports 10 southeastern Minnesota and northeastern Iowa communities with “municipal-owned utilities through a power supply contract from Dairyland Power Cooperative, along with operations and maintenance agreements, billing, metering, collections, construction, outage restoration, customer service, energy management or anything else necessary for their municipal system operations.” Hum, I wondered. If Decorah’s MEU vote passes, perhaps the city could make a similar agreement with MiEnergy, since the dollars to buy out Alliant’s systems and hire people to administrate and maintain it will be very high.
Well, I found my answer in the next heading of “City of Decorah.” It states that “the city has asked if we would be willing to enter into a maintenance and operation agreement, similar to what we do for our 10 wholesale members with municipal-owned systems.” Now, the city already asking MiEnergy this question can be looked at a couple of ways, depending on your point of view. One would be that the city council is being proactive and looking into options on how this could be made to work. The opposite would be that the council is confident the people will vote the way the council wants them to and that this vote is a formality.
Either way the vote goes, I believe it is important that all of us who call this area of Iowa home keep an eye on costs. I am affected by the recent voter approval to tear down John Cline and build a new elementary school. This is another significant expense we will be paying for, and one that I feel is likely higher than it need be. I believe I am correct that, some time in the 1990s, we approved a school bond that included installing air conditioning in John Cline. But after the vote passed, it was decided by the school board to take the AC money and put it also into the high school, thus leaving the AC-less John Cline to be at times the tail that wags the dog.
Since then, I have felt that John Cline has been under a “planned neglect” fate, as most school leaders have been talking about needing a new building for literally decades. To me, a school built in 1964 should not normally need replacing, not when there are innumerable public buildings around the world and even in the U.S. that are hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of years old, that have had good upkeep or refurbishment and continue to work well. If John Cline is truly as decrepit as we are told, I hope the next building will be better planned and built and maintained than some of our other school buildings have been, while taking into account the declining enrollment trend!
In summary, my point is to be content with what expenses you sign up for. With our national government continuing to spend far more than it takes in, no matter who is in Congress or the presidency, at some point, more will be required, or demanded, of us to fill in the gap. The new elementary school may turn out to be a wise investment or another poorly designed and constructed building. I don’t know. Likewise a Decorah owned MEU may be a good use of member dollars, but it as likely may make one pine for “the good old days” of Alliant Energy.
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