Absentee voting for the municipal electric utility special election begins Feb. 12

By Carly Hayden Foster, Decorah

Absentee voting begins this week, Wednesday Feb. 12, for the March 4 municipal electric utility special election. The Decorah City Council called for this MEU special election because of ongoing concerns from residents about Alliant’s high costs, and because of a recommendation from the Decorah’s Municipal Electric Utility Taskforce. That taskforce – which I chaired – spent two years studying the potential advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a MEU in Decorah. We compared costs, held public meetings, sought community input, invited managers from other regional MEUs and made a good-faith effort to consider all relevant information. We volunteered our time and energy for these tasks, because we shared an interest in doing what is best for Decorah. We learned that municipal electric utilities – and rural electric cooperatives, or RECs – are often able to provide reliable service at lower costs than investor owned utilities – despite lower average customer geographic density impacting their delivery costs – because MEUs are not required to provide a profit for corporate shareholders. We presented a full report to the Decorah City Council, and made a unanimous recommendation that the Decorah City Council call for a special election regarding the next steps in the MEU process.

One of the very first actions of the MEU Taskforce was to ask Alliant, on behalf of the city of Decorah, for information that could have allowed the city to conduct a feasibility study based on solid data, rather than estimates. Alliant refused our request, and our taskforce determined that it would be financially irresponsible for the city to spend taxpayer money conducting a feasibility study grounded only in estimates. The Iowa Utilities Commission will compel Alliant to share the necessary information – operating expenses, revenues and infrastructure details for the Decorah service territory – with the city of Decorah only if there is first a positive referendum result indicating community support for pursuing a MEU. Details about the many steps required to establish and operate a Municipal Electric Utility are contained in the MEU Taskforce Report, available on thecCity of Decorah’s website – www.decorahia.org/decorah-meu A yes from Decorah voters will allow Decorah city council members to get the information they need to make informed decisions about whether or not to take the next steps towards establishing a municipal electric utility. Between now and March 4, I encourage Decorah residents to read the MEU Taskforce Report, watch the video interviews, make an informed decision and vote.

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