A response on FEMA funding

By Roger Henningsgaard, Decorah

In response to the editor’s note on my comment on the opinion page, yes the funds designated to FEMA’s disaster relief is supposed to be a designated fund for disaster relief, but the Biden-Harris Administration set up another fund in FEMA called Shelter and Services Program, a grant program to fund non-federal entities for shelter and services to migrants — illegals. So FEMA has disbursed more than $1.4 billion through the SSP program and a previous Emergency Food and Shelter Program for Humanitarian Aid. So the question then is, why is the government spending more on illegals than on disaster relief, especially for Helene victims or American citizens? Oh, by the way, Mayorkas is in charge of FEMA and the Secret Service, and since Mayorkas doesn’t seem to enforce the laws on the books already on immigration, do you think he’s being honest about anything else?

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Randy Haugen
3 months ago

Sorry but this is misinformation by Mr Henningsgaard,,Helene victims were helped greatly by FEMA and this is simply a smear tactic and more Fear Mongering of Immigrants. Get educated people.