Timothy John Davie

Friday, March 25, 2022 7:19 pm

Timothy John Davie was born Aug. 24, 1959 in Moscow, ID, and died Feb. 27, 2022.

He moved with his family from Lewiston, ID at the age of 11 to Great Falls, MT. After graduating from C. M. Russell High School in 1978, Tim started his long career installing TV cable and later fiber optic cable. He traveled the country installing cable, eventually settling in Tukwila, WA. He met the love of his live, Lori Penrod, in 1990.

Tim is survived by his wife, Lori, Tukwila, WA; siblings: David (Cathy) Davie; Audrey (Keith) Anderson; and Donelle (Jon) Arkley; and stepmother, Betty Davie.

Tim was proceeded in death by his mother and stepfather Holly and James Miles; his father, Dale Davie and brother, Mark Davie. He will be buried later at Freeze Cemetery, Potlatch, ID near his mother and brother.

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