Waukon three among 2023 Iowa Junior Duck Stamp winners

The Iowa State Coordinator and DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge proudly announce the 2023 Art Contest. 

Students from around the state put significant time and effort into learning about North American waterfowl and their habitats, then creating masterful artworks from this knowledge to enter the contest. With five judges to choose this year’s winners in deep deliberation, the winning placements were decided for each grade category after competing with 523 other students who participated in the 2023 contest.  

The 2023 Iowa Junior Duck Stamp Art contest winners included local entries. Elijah Weighner of Waukon was named second place winner in the 7-9 age category; Laila Weighner of Waukon a third place winner in the 4-6 category; and Jeremiah Weighner of Waukon took home an honorable mention in the 4-6 category.  

Keep an eye out at a library or a local nature center near for a display of winners’ artworks. For a complete list of winners, visit www.fws.gov.

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