USPS files notice of January rate increases

The United States Postal Service (USPS) filed notice of price changes to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on Oct. 6, which are scheduled to take effect Jan. 21, 2024. 

First class stamps will go to 68 cents each. 

The average increase is 7.3 percent for in-county mail and 1.5 percent for outside-county mail. In its filing, USPS said that its strategy for Periodicals price changes is “to maximize use of cap space on outside-county piece prices, after resolving workshare discount compliance” and to increase in-county prices “to meet workshare passthrough requirements.” 

The Postal Accountability and Enhance Act (PAEA), passed in 2006, introduced a price cap on market dominant products. Price increases for each class of market dominant mail are limited by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Year-to-date, the USPS has a $7 billion loss despite continued rate increases and remains behind in progress on the Delivering for America plan.

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