Turkey Valley student a finalist in young lawyer’s competition

Turkey Valley student Russell Nieman is a finalist in The Iowa State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division “Know Your Constitution” Project. 

Turkey Valley student Russell Nieman is a finalist in The Iowa State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division “Know Your Constitution” Project. 
Sixty finalists were selected from the more than 500 students across the state that participated in the project. Finalists will be honored at a Virtual Awards Program over Zoom on Monday, Feb. 15. Of the finalists, five students and their teachers will be chosen by a random drawing to receive scholarship grants and honoraria in recognition of their efforts.
The “Know Your Constitution” Project is designed to enrich students’ understanding and appreciation of the Constitution. The students participating in the project were required to familiarize themselves with Constitution related issues. A quiz and essay were completed by each participating student. This year’s essay topic involved Constitutional questions centered on the restoration of voting rights to convicted felons and limitations placed by a fictitious state on their participation. “Best Essay” finalists will be posted to the ISBA website, with an overall winner announced during the Monday, Feb. 15 program.
The Know Your Constitution program is sponsored by The Iowa State Bar Association, with additional funding from the Iowa State Bar Foundation and Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA).

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