By Miles Sullivan
Decorah Middle School
Youth Fiction Entry
A new “spooky” store just opened up downtown, just in time for Halloween, “The Oubliette.” It sells plentiful and extravagant trinkets for the cheesy horror fanatics of the world. While that’s the furthest thing from me, I decided to check the place out for lack of a better thing to do on Halloween Eve.
I entered the store and was greeted by a slimy man working the counter. He was massive and very short, with a little bit of stubble on his droopy chin, which was dripping with sweat.
“Hello! Welcome to the Oubliette! What can I get you today?” he queried in a surprisingly excited tone.
“I’m just here to look arou-” I began, before he cut me off with,
“I actually have a recommendation for you! Just next to that Triacontagon there, we’ve got the Skeletal Goblet, just shipped in!”
“Um, what exactly does it do?”
“Well, that’s easy! It lets you see the truth!” with the last part of that sentence and a grin, he threw himself towards the counter’s edge, showing off every last one of his crooked and yellow teeth.
I looked at the Goblet itself, it was a cheap plastic cup shaped like a skull, with clearly artificial smoke emanating from within. I didn’t see a slot for any batteries though. The thing was only 5 dollars, so I decided I’d rather not be rude to this hulking man, and said that yes, I would pick it up.
“Splendid!” the man said.
As soon as I touched the item, though, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as it folded in on itself in a terrifying manner, first the top of the cup turned two-dimensional and folded vertically onto the “handle”, then that handle moved upward, into the top. It looked like something I wasn’t supposed to see. The truth.
“What?” I asked, mostly to myself. But kind of to the employee too. So I turned around to look at him, and he was folding as well, his arms and legs glued to his torso, floating in an otherworldly manner. His massive grin was contorted as his eyeballs liquidized and melted.
Flight or fight activated, I spun around on my heels and slammed the door of the store open, sprinting into the street. I watched it. I watched the sky folding into itself, revealing a black void. I watched as I was sucked into it and folded. Then there was the truth. I saw a disgusting beast looking right at me with its gelatinous eyes as skeletally thin humans slurped pus from its oozing sores. This is the truth. Humanity is only a servant to this thing.
Then everything folded backwards, and I was back in the store. I turned around, and the man at the counter was now replaced with the beast from the void. Its bulbous bulging body pushed against the side of the store.
“So, how did you like it?”
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