Teacher salary talks under way

By Roz Weis,

It’s the time of year when talks start about teacher pay in Decorah.

Educators in Decorah are proposing a 4.92% increase in compensation as negotiations begin for the 2023-24 school year. Contract negotiations began Tuesday between the Decorah Education Association (DEA) and the Decorah Community School District (DCSD).

The DEA proposal for the 2023-24 master agreement was outlined by Steve Peterson, faculty member at Decorah Middle School.

The proposal suggests a $600 increase in teacher salary supplement base, a $600 increase in generator base and an increase in the shadow base pay to $38,000 (from the current $36,500 base). Also proposed was an increase in the District allocation for health insurance to $674 to cover the increased cost of the lowest-cost single insurance plan. Taken together, Peterson said the changes would increase District costs approximately 4.92% over last year.

An increase in paid holidays from 3 to 6 days per academic year also was recommended, to bring the District in line with other school districts.

The DEA proposal suggested creating a joint recruitment and retention ad hoc committee to develop a multi-year plan to recruit and retain teachers in a difficult labor market.

In his remarks Tuesday afternoon, Peterson stated, “It’s been a tough year for public education. Whether the issue is school vouchers, book bans, legislation that would add days of busywork uploading course materials to databases or legislation that attacks our most vulnerable students over what kind of healthcare they can receive and where they can go to the bathroom … it’s hard being an educator in Iowa.”

Complete story in the April 6 Decorah Public Opinion Newspaper. 

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