Sunflower project selected by “100 Who Care”

The 100+ Women and Men Who Care - Driftless Chapters met Dec. 1 and selected the Sunflower new building project to receive proceeds from their most recent meeting.

The annual joint meeting of the 100+ Women Who Care – Oneota Valley and the 100+ Men Who Care – Driftless Chapter was held recently at Impact Coffee. The focus was to learn about three local non-profits, pool donations, and make a big impact in the local community.

During the Dec. 1 meeting, three members presented their favorite charities: Sunflower’s new building project, Kaden’s Kloset, and Art Haus. After a vote by the members in attendance, the Sunflower new building project was selected to receive the evenings proceeds, which will help fund the new Child Development and Discovery Center in Decorah and help alleviate the much-needed demand for childcare in NE Iowa.

“As a parent, it is amazing to see the support of the community. Sunflower’s new building project will dramatically impact their ability to serve families in the area” said Carson Eggland, Sunflower Board Member, parent and 100+ Men Who Care member.

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A surprise matching donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a $5,000 pledge to match proceeds of the evening’s meeting. It is estimated that the Sunflower project will receive more than $12,000, pending final donations to be submitted from members not in attendance at the meeting. Those community members who would like to participate were to drop off their donations to the Thrivent office or Rubaiyat in downtown Decorah by this Sunday, Dec. 5. Donations should be made out to: Sunflower new building project.

100+ Men and Women Who Care organizations are giving circles with the sole purpose of streamlining fundraising for charitable causes. How does it work? The process is simple – in their respective meetings, they get together quarterly, pool their resources, commit to donating $100 each, nominate local non-profits they are passionate about, vote, write a check and make a difference in the community. Membership in the 100+ Men and Women Who Care organizations are open to local community members who are looking to impact local charitable causes. All donations stay local and are made directly to the non-profit so 100% of your dollars are put to work in the community.


100+ Women Who Care – Oneota Valley is a group of women who gather 4 times per year to donate to a local nonprofit organization. When these individual gifts are combined, they are amplified and become a powerful force for doing good work in our community. After a member vote, one of the three non-profits presented are selected by the group to receive proceeds from the evening. Since April 2017, our 100+ Women Who Care giving circle has donated more than $100,000 to 15 local charities here in the Oneota Valley. For more information on 100+ Women Who Care – Oneota Valley, please visit us and follow us on Facebook:


100+ Men Who Care – Driftless Chapter first met in December 2016. We meet every 3 months to discuss local causes, ultimately selecting one to which all members donate $100 at the end of the meeting. Through the power of numbers, we will combine our donations to make an immediate impact on our local community – and have fun doing it!

For more information on 100+ Men Who Care – Driftless Chapter, please visit: 

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