St. Ben’s students advance to National History Day finals

St. Benedict School will be represented by four students at the National History Day finals in June.

Advancing to the national event are Vivian Searcy and Margaret Hahn with their peformance titled “Hedy Lamarr and the Secret Communications System: Technology That Revolutionized Wireless Communications”, and Kalin Harman and Rex LaFrentz with their documentary: “Pasteurization: Reshaping the Dairy Industry.”

Finalists for the National History Day State competition which was held Monday, April 23, were these other St. Benedict’s students: Bill Fullhart and William Kruse for their website: “The Rural Electrification Act of 1936 – A New Electrical Frontier”; Carlton Nordschow and Eden Northrup for their website titled “Mayo Clinic: A Disaster’s Answer to Medical Excellence”;  Andy Carolan and Gabe Monroe for their exhibit called “The Remarkable Agricultural Frontier of Seed Cornand”; and Jalen Klees and Bennett Coppola for their documentary: “Jackie Robinson: The Frontier of African-Americans in Professional Baseball”.

Special awards went to: Vivian Searcy & Margaret Hahn, Military History Award; and Kalin Harman & Rex LaFrentz, Agriculture History Award.

The National History Day competition will be held June 11-15 at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

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