Rationing of shoes announced in area

By Roz Weis,

1949 centennial in Decorah This is just one of the many keepsake photos captured at the 1949 centennial parade in Decorah. Tom T. Henning took the pictures from near the Weis Buick location off of College Drive. The picture of the Decorah Fire Department parade entry was submitted by Sarah Iversen of Decorah. There were no identifications listed on the vintage picture.

EIGHTY YEARS AGO: Remember, the pair of shoes you buy with Ration Stamp No. 17 is one-third of your whole year’s supply! Don’t wait too long – that’s the message from the local War Ration officials and local shoe outlets.

…The Barbeque has announced plans to open daily at 2 p.m. There are no longer morning hours owing to a shortage of help and the rationing of food. The management said the new hours start this month.

…Many folks here in this area are purchasing kitchen ranges lately. They say they are buying them just in case the gas or electricity goes off or they have to start cooking their food longer now that meat and fats are being rationed and other foods are getting hard er to get.

…Chester Hill, Glen Nims and L.F. Winslow set off Tuesday for Alaska. They will be employed on the government road there.

SEVENTY YEARS AGO: The 42-acre campsite known as Pinebluff, which was purchased by the 4-H clubs of Winneshiek County last year, will be open to campers sometime in the early part of June.

…The Calmar Hotel is having an Easter Dinner. Roast turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, baked ham, pineapple, fricassee chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and more! $1.10 per person. Dinners also include candied yams, creamed peas, pumpkin pie and apple pie.

…Grand opening at Mabel’s Lunch Room was held on April 11. The lunch room is now open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Leiv Ericksson Drive.

SIXTY YEARS AGO: What has turned out to be a very controversial subject for many people here has been resolved, and a new camping site has been approved. The Decorah City Council has granted permission to the Chamber of Commerce to establish a camping area just north of city hall in a small grove of trees.

…Groundbreaking for the proposed Luther College Physical Education Building was held recently on a campus site in the valley.

FIFTY YEARS AGO: Admission is $3.50 for those wanting to see the famous Duke Ellington and his World Famous Orchestra at the Luther Field Hous. Reserved tickets are suggested.

…Two Ossian young men and two Luther students were arrested in two separate drug raids last week.

…The 1973 Winneshiek County Dairy Banquet is June 19 at the Luther College Centennial Union.

…Northeast Farm Service of Decorah is the “low” bidder for gasoline for the local school district at 20.5 cents per gallon of gasoline.

…Reminder to local drivers: After this week, it is no longer legal to drive on studded snow tires.

FORTY YEARS AGO: A lawsuit for the unpaid $38,000 balance on a heating system renovation contract at the courthouse has been filed against the county by a Charles City company.

…Dale Lensing, son of Stan and Marlys Lensing of rural Decorah, is spending this semester working as a page for the Iowa Senate in Des Moines. He is a senior at Decorah High School.

THIRTY YEARS AGO: The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a Mardi Gras celebration at Silvercrest Country Club. Casino tables, hoola hoop contest, limbo and twist contest and more were set up. The United Jazz Ensemble provided entertainment.

…A group of owners/operators of Decorah bed-and-breakfast inns, is forming an association here.

…Five Decorah High School students were chosen as “outstanding” at the Individual Speech Festival at UNI. Honorees are Erica Downs, Sara Donhowe, Karl Weiss, Josh Raulerson and Heather Halverson.

…McDonald’s has filet-o-fish sandwiches on sale – 2 sandwiches for $2.

TWENTY YEARS AGO:  A new program titled “Girls and Computers” is currently being offered at the Decorah Public Library. Tips on the inner-workings of the computer will be detailed for girls during five sessions.

…Area teachers are proposing a. $200 pay increase in current contract negotiations. That would bring the base salary to $23,400 per year.

TEN YEARS AGO: Red Roxy Quilt Company opened doors in downtown Decorah. Roxanne Schnitzler and daughter Jessica Rediske recently purchased the old Pine Needles Quilt Store and held a grand opening at their new store last month.

…Decorah’s New Minowa Players will present the summer musical “Guys and Dolls” in June. Director will be Sheryl Scheffert. Auditions are this month.

…With help from area residents, the Decorah Community Meal is entering its second year here. The monthly event is held in the fellowship hall of First Lutheran Church every third Thursday of the month.

…Returning letter-winners on the Turkey Valley girls’ golf team are Jamee Blazek, Josie Einwalter, Tori Einwalter and Nicole Meirick.

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