Decorah City Councilwoman Emily Neal will host a community conversation at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 11 at Impact Coffee. All residents of Decorah are welcome to attend, ask questions and share their thoughts on the upcoming city budget session, ongoing city priorities and the city’s March 4 municipal electric utility referendum.
Neal is currently serving her second term on the Decorah City Council. She was first elected as the Ward 2 council member in 2019; then in 2023, Neal was elected as one of the two at-large council memebers.
“One of my most important jobs on council is to listen to my constituents and to share my perspectives as their elected representative,” Neal said. “As we have an upcoming budget session at the end of the month and a scheduled referendum for a municipal electric utility in March, this is a good chance for folks to get together and share ideas.”
The city is considering several large projects this coming year, including the development of a baseball/softball complex on Old Stage Road, the reconstruction of Heivly Street and the formulation of plans to address needs at the city’s fire station. In addition, the city has scheduled a referendum on March 4 to consider establishing a municipal electric utility. This would give the City of Decorah the legal standing needed to explore this option further and learn how a MEU might benefit Decorah.
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