Porter House Museum concert slated Sept. 13

The Porter House Museum will host a new music concert “Craig Hultgren Plays the Iowa Cello Book” Friday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m.

The solo acoustic concert will feature works by composers of the Iowa Composers Forum, a state and regional collection of composers. The Iowa Cello Book features the music compositions of the finest music creators associated with the state.

Hultgren will be premiering a brand-new work, Driftless Images by Daniel Swilley from the University of Northern Iowa. Swilley’s predecessor at UNI, Alan Schmitz is also represented on the concert with his Three Cello Sketches. Luther College music professor Brooke Joyce has an arrangement of Three Spirituals on the program. There will be pieces by Paul Dice, Greg A. Steinke, Robert J. Martin and Alexander Poutous as well.

Tickets for the performance will be available at $10 on a first-come, first-served basis at the door. Members of the Porter House Museum may reserve tickets in advance as a benefit of museum membership. Email the Porter House at porterhousemuseum@gmail.com for more information.

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