Luther announces staff promotions

Current faculty members have earned promotions at Luther College.

Luther College President Jenifer K. Ward and Provost Brad Chamberlain have announced promotions for current faculty members.

At its February meeting, the Board of Regents announced the promotions of Heather Armstrong, music; Sean Burke, religion; and Maryna Nading, anthropology, to full professor. Nicholas Shaneyfelt of the Music Department was also promoted to associate professor. The promotion to full professor involves student, department, faculty committee, provost, and president review.

“I join the broader Luther College community in recognizing and celebrating these members of the faculty on their well-deserved promotions. I am grateful for their work as teachers, scholars, and citizens of the college, knowing the impact that their service has upon our students, their academic disciplines, and the mission of Luther College,” said Provost Brad Chamberlain.

Heather Armstrong

Heather Armstrong began teaching at Luther College in 2006. She received a Bachelor of Music degree from Houghton College and earned Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in oboe performance and literature from the Eastman School of Music. She teaches applied oboe lessons, music theory, and double reed methods for future music educators. During her 2022 sabbatical project she explored how educational and outreach initiatives can help make the oboe more accessible to students who want to learn to play it.

Sean Burke

Sean Burke joined the Luther College faculty in 2007 as a member of the Religion Department. He earned a B.A. from Concordia College (NY), an M.Div. from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and a Ph.D. in biblical studies from the Graduate Theological Union. His research has focused on gender, sexuality, and the Bible, and his teaching interests have also included comparative study of the Bible, the Qur’an, and the Book of Mormon. In addition to teaching, he has served the college as associate dean and director of faculty development and as associate provost.

Maryna Nading

Maryna Nading has taught at Luther College since 2010. She earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from State University of New York at Albany. Nading teaches courses in cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, and global health. Nading’s research focuses on the health workforce and gender. She has written on issues of gender segregation by medical specialty, professionalization, remuneration, and class in Ukraine. Her work has appeared in Medical Anthropology Theory, Human Organization, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Anthropology of Work. Nading’s current research investigates sites of care that extend beyond clinical settings. A native of Ukraine, she is now working with a Ukrainian volunteer group Maskuty, that creates camouflage nets for the army. Nading argues that such war relief efforts can be understood as a type of reproductive labor that fosters radical hope in the face of adversity.

Nicholas Shaneyfelt

Nicholas Shaneyfelt has been Luther College’s vocal coach and faculty collaborative pianist since 2016. Shaneyfelt music directs Luther College’s opera program, teaches courses in vocal and instrumental accompanying, and collaborates with faculty and students frequently inrecitals on campus and across the country. After earning dual undergraduate degrees in music and computer science from the University of Notre Dame, he earned a master’s degree from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in collaborative piano from the University of Michigan, under the mentorship of Martin Katz. Shaneyfelt serves as associate director of the International Music Festival of the Adriatic in Duino, Italy, and tours regularly with the Piatigorsky Foundation, an organization dedicated to bringing live classical music to all corners of the country.