By Roz Weis,
1923 ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO: Fifteen bright and attractive young children have arrived in Waukon for placement in homes under the direction of the Children’s Aid Society of New York City. It was a most uncommon and interesting event when the nine girls and six boys arrived! The youngsters ranged in age from 2 ½ to 16. Applications had been previously filed for the children with a local committee, and then in the afternoon the assignments were made at the Armory. The children were all neatly dressed, well-mannered and in excellent type appearance and conduct. It is hoped these young people will have bright and credible futures and prove a source of happiness and comfort to their parents.
…The Decorah Hospital Committee met recently to determine a set of plans for a new structure. Work may begin as soon as early in the new year. The building will be constructed on the beautiful site opposite the fairgrounds. The land was purchased from M.I. Toyen. The main floor will house females, a female ward with four beds and six private rooms, a large toilet and bathroom. The second floor will house rooms for male patients. The building will have gas for cooking and lighting, a modern steam heating plant, electric lights and every modern facility which can be provided.
…The volunteers at the fire department are busy clearing their lots on West Water Street getting them in shape for the winter skating rink. The area will be kept smooth and safe for all -young and old.
…The annual oyster supper will be served Dec. 5 at the Yeoman Hall by the ladies of the Freeport M.E. Church. Proceeds always go to the pastor’s salary. The 10-cent lunch is always popular!
…Miss Lelia Bakken is the new teacher at Bluffton School. She comes with a splendid recommendation.
…A moving picture show was shown over at Ridgeway one day last week. There was a total of 5,000 feet of film for all to enjoy.
…It has been a few weeks since the installation of the new electroiliers and globes in Decorah. Since then, four of them have been smashed – two by runaway horse teams and two by auto drivers driving too close.
…The Domestic Science Department at Decorah High School will now serve one hot dish each day at noon for the benefit of those who eat their lunches at the school. Cost is six cents for a meal.
…The Decorah-Cresco Football game was Thanksgiving Day afternoon. Cresco was bringing along a special train load of rooters. High schoolers provided a street parade before the game.
…Locals awoke early Monday morning to a 2-cent decrease in gas prices! Gasoline is selling in Decorah at 14.06 cents per gallon.
1933 NINETY YEARS AGO: A big deer was seen near Freeport the other morning. The wild deer is making itself at home, but is a little too wild for anyone to get too close to him. He has a fine set of horns and is attracting much attention. Deer in this area are unusual this time of year.
…Many turned out for the Thanksgiving turkey dinner at the Green Parrot on Water Street. Cost was 50 cents and serving was from 11:30 to 7:30.
…The Milwaukee Railroad has announced fares of 2-cents per mile for one-way tickets.
…An attractive new sign has been placed in front of the Decorah Coat & Suit Store on Water Street.
…A large number of girls turned out for basketball practice last week. The 45 girls spent their time learning different throws, such as a chest throw, right and left-shoulder throw and more. It appears Decorah High ought to have a good girls’ team and worthy of good support from the community.
…Women are now banned from smoking in downtown offices and stores. Men, however, have the right to smoke in the hallways, lounging rooms and corridors.
…The local War Relief workers have shipped boxes of jelly to the Old Soldiers Home at Marshalltown.
…It is reported that hundreds of dandelions were blooming on the south slope of the courthouse square. S.E. Brickner furnished the dandelions, and he also brought some to the newspaper office for all to enjoy!
…Wepler’s Grocery on Washington Street now boasts a handsome, large, up-to-date Frigidaire with compartments for perishable foods, milk, and more.
…Decorah Mayor B.O. Marsh has decided men arrested for misdemeanors by City Police will now work out their fines instead of paying them. Prisoners will be supplied with picks and shovels and put to work widening the Dugway Road.
…More than 200 men, previously unemployed in the area, have started work in the county and are being paid 50 cents an hour through the Civic Works Administration. They will have a 30-hour work week – and maximum paycheck will be $15 per week.
…A few weeks ago, the Ladies Aid of the Big Canoe Lutheran Church gathered to celebrate completion of 50 years of faithful service.
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Echoes of the Past, Youngsters to be Adopted in Waukon. Appreciated the information regarding the Orphan Train.