Echoes of the Past: Luther Homecoming 1941

Coronation of the first homecoming queen in the history of Luther College is also planned during the course of the weekend festivities . . . 

EIGHTY YEARS AGO: Plans for the celebration of Foundation Day at Luther College Oct. 10-12 are taking shape to make the 80th anniversary of the Decorah institution a significant event. It is the oldest college among the Norwegian Lutheran people. Most of the features will be broadcast over the college radio station, KWLC.  A grand buffet supper will be served in the C.K. Preus Gymnasium to kick things off. An alumni-student “rouser” will be held as a pep fest in preparation for the grid contest with St. Olaf. Coronation of the first homecoming queen in the history of Luther College is also planned during the course of the weekend festivities. EDITOR’S NOTE: After doing some research, we found that Lillian Stadsvold, later Lillian McConnell (Luther Class of 1944), was ultimately crowned the homecoming queen back in 1941.
…A good many Decorah folks were up early Saturday morning and saw two large moose! They were in the possession of two Indiana hunters who had been on a hunting trip to Canada.
…A demonstration team composed of Lucille Aschim and Lorraine Knutson earned top honors at the Waterloo Dairy Cattle Congress recently.
…The local Naval recruiting office has been a busy place, with 98 men enlisted so far this calendar year.
…The local newspaper has adopted a strictly cash policy for all newspapers.
SEVENTY YEARS AGO: The extreme heavy frost of late last week damaged 60 percent of the corn acreage in the area. Some farmers reported considerable damage, and some reported very little damage, but the result will be to lower the 1951 prospective corn crop and further tighten the feed situation. This is a conclusion from reports of E.J. Weigle, county extension director. The mercury tumbled to a low of 30 degrees in Decorah last week.
…Nineteen townships in the area are working to form a state 4-H camping center in the area.
…FOUND: A billfold was found early last week on Oak Street. It contains some money. Contact Mrs. Norton Folkedahl on South Avenue if you’ve lost your billfold.
SIXTY YEARS AGO: A financial campaign with a goal of $400,000 is underway for construction of a new retirement center in Decorah. The estimated cost of the 84-bed infirmary, to be built in West Decorah, is approximately $820,000, exclusive of the room furnishings.
…The greatest football coach in the State University of Iowa history (Forest Evashevski), will pass along a few of his tales of the gridiron during his October visit to Decorah. He is speaking before members of the Decorah Quarterback Club at their regular meeting.
…Bill Walker will soon begin his new duties at the manager of the Decorah Chamber of Commerce.
FIFTY YEARS AGO: The Winneshiek County Jail, which has capacity to handle 11 male and three female prisoners, received an “excellent” rating in a state inspection. 
…Joe McCasland is the instructor for the young farmer class of South Winneshiek High School.
FORTY YEARS AGO:  The cornerstone for the new music building on the Luther College campus will be laid during ceremonies Sunday, Oct. 11, 1981.
…Stop at BURGER V in Decorah for this month’s special – a fish sandwich or quarter-pounder for 49 cents. Ice cream cones – always 19 cents each!
THIRTY YEARS AGO: South Winneshiek Homecoming King and Queen candidates are Shawn Brincks, Marty Shindelar, Amy Wagner and Heidi Schissel. Attendants are Heather Hendrickson, Dawn Hemesath, Tricia Bullerman and Kristi Timp.
…Bonnie Langreck and Tom Smith are the Turkey Valley High School Queen and King.
…Kaleidoscope ’91 will feature scarecrows, apple-bobs, scenic walks and much more here in Decorah this month. A dance at the Highlandville School is another highlight of the events.
TWENTY YEARS AGO: Roger and Pat Huinker will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this fall.
TEN YEARS AGO: Ramona Nelson of Decorah is stepping down after a 15-year stint on the Decorah Community School Board.
…Chris Norton from Luther College is a finalist for the America’s Choice Honor for Courage in Sports.
…Nancy Sojka of Decorah has earned Art Educators of Iowa’s highest honor, Art Educator of the Year.
…Events are planned in the coming weeks to raise money for the Gibbs family of West Union. They are getting a new home through the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition television program.
…A hand-painted plate by Norma Wangsness will be presented to King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway during their upcoming visit to Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah.

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