Decorah’s $630K tree grant falls victim to federal spending freeze

By Zach Jensen,

The Decorah Tree Board’s $630,000 grant would have paid for multiple tree projects and maintenance tasks, such as trimming trees on the town’s boulevards. Some of those tasks may now become the property owners’ responsibilities. (Photo by Denise Lana)

The Decorah Tree Board was expecting more than half-a-million dollars in funding from the United States Department of Agriculture, but the $630,000 grant has fallen victim to a federal funding freeze which went into effect in late January. 

The Jan. 28 spending freeze, enacted through an executive order by President Donald Trump, has halted funding for various federal programs. The ripple effects reached the Decorah Tree Board late last week — officials said they learned on Thursday, Feb. 28 federal officials had cancelled the grant funds, which were part of the USDA’s Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. Decorah City Forester Sam Hogenson said “stunned, shocked and devastated barely begin to describe our reaction” to the decision. 

“It is hard to pinpoint the most frustrating aspect of losing this funding,” said Decorah City Forester Sam Hogenson. “The extensive time invested in securing the grant, the hundreds of trees that were set to be planted and the economic boost that would have supported numerous local businesses all represent significant losses. This decision is not only a setback for the city of Decorah and the tree board but also for the entire community that would have benefited from the project.”

Full article available in the March 6 Decorah Leader. 

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