Decorah’s 40-year-old WWTP to receive numerous upgrades

Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Andy Kruse (left) and Decorah Public Works Director Mike O’Hara illustrated the three stages of wastewater treatment. The darkest beaker contains wastewater as it arrives at the facility; the foggy beaker at the far right has gone through the local plant’s aeration basin, where billions of microorganisms have removed nearly all the waste from the water. The third beaker is filled with clean, clear water which has been processed and can be deposited into the river. (Photo by Denise Lana)

By Denise Lana,

Decorah’s wastewater treatment plant was constructed 40 years ago and, despite a predicted 20-year lifespan, the facility is still going strong. The plant serves residents of Decorah and Freeport as well as a number of large industries, and this year it will undergo a massive $4.2 million upgrade which is expected to not only keep it running but also make it more energy efficient and cost effective. It’s all about proper maintenance and proper care, according to Decorah Public Works Director Mike O’Hara.  

“There are so many similar plants from this same era that have been wiped out.  We do checks on our equipment every month, and if something’s not right, we get it repaired or replaced. Our staff is constantly looking for projects we can do that can be funded by city council,” he said. “There are numerous projects we have done through the decades — we have reinvested in the equipment, and that is why this plant has lasted so long.” 

Many of the planned upgrades will replace original equipment which is starting to fail or show signs of wear.  Other original equipment requires parts which are no longer manufactured, and the equipment could not be fixable if it were to fail.  

Full article available in the February 13 Decorah Leader. 

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