DCSD hears update on proposed new school

By Roz Weis,

All directors of the Decorah Community School District were in attendance at a special meeting Monday night to hear updates regarding the proposed new elementary school for Decorah and to review the timeline for the selection of a construction manager at-risk to help oversee the project.

The proposed new school, for grades pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) through second grade, would replace the 60-year-old John Cline Elementary School and West Side School.

Several members of the district’s Elementary Facilities Committee were attendance at the meeting, charged with analyzing top priorities for school construction, including prioritizing safety, security, efficiency and increasing opportunities for students. The 20-member committee is made up of representatives from the insurance, real estate, finance, banking and farming sectors across the district, school staff members, a representative of the Decorah City Council and the hospital CEO.

“You’ve been talking for six months, so what’s next?” Board President Cindy Goodner asked the committee members Monday night.

Committee members Brad Darling and Mark Jensen said the goal is bringing a viable design proposal and proposed budget before the Board this summer, and finally to voters for the Nov. 7 bond referendum.

Design options

CMAR update

Full article in the June 20 Public Opinion newspaper.


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