County Foundation grant applications due Jan. 15

Grant applications can now be submitted to the Winneshiek County Community Foundation (WCCF) for the 2024 grant cycle, with a submission deadline on Monday, Jan. 15, 2024, at 5 p.m.  Grants are awarded to projects within the program areas of arts and culture, community betterment, education and youth development, environment and animal welfare, and health and human services.  The 2024 online grant application can be found on the WCCF’s website at Technical support will be available to applicants until 5 p.m. on Monday, January 15. Grant recipients will then be announced in March.  Grants are available to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and government entities. Tax-exempt organizations classified as other than 501(c)(3) are also eligible, if and only if, the project is deemed charitable; please contact Dotti Thompson at 319-243-1358 or to discuss the project’s eligibility prior to submitting a proposal. Grants selections are made in an effort to create a better quality of life for people in Winneshiek County. A local impact committee reviews the applications from charitable organizations serving their community.  The WCCF, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa (CFNEIA), is also seeking new volunteers to serve on its impact committee beginning in April 2024. The impact committee position description and volunteer interest form can be found at Individuals may complete a volunteer self-interest form or may nominate someone else, such as a colleague, community leader or friend, to connect the Community Foundation with to explore their interest in serving as a volunteer. The deadline to submit a volunteer interest form for initial consideration is Jan. 15.  The impact committee seeks to understand the needs of Winneshiek County to ensure alignment between those needs and Foundation grants. The primary function and responsibility of the committee is to invest in nonprofits through the discretionary grant process, which distributes over $100,000 annually. The committee will implement best practices in grantmaking, uphold trust-based practices and reflect CFNEIA’s values in grant decision-making with the goal of maximizing the impact of those grants. The committee works closely with CFNEIA staff to collaboratively achieve shared goals.  Since 2005, the WCCF has awarded over $4.5 million in grants from all charitable giving funds allocated through the Foundation.  Questions about volunteering may be directed to Shanda Hansen, director of affiliate impact at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, at or 319-243-1357.

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