By Denise Lana,
Photo by Denise Lana
It was clear skies and no turbulence for everyone who gathered at Decorah Airport Thursday, Aug. 29 to see aircraft up close and learn more about future airport improvements as part of the Behind the Scenes program sponsored by Decorah Chamber of Commerce.
Around 50 people gathered in the maintenance hangar to get an up close look at the goings on of the city’s airport. According to Chamber of Commerce Executive DirectorJessica Rilling, the Behind the Scenes program offers public tours and experiences geared toward giving participants a better understanding and appreciation of how the organizations work together and function in the community.
“Many people drive by the airport every day and don’t
really know what goes on here,” Rilling said. “Through programs like this, they see the airport and learn how it is a huge economic impact for the city. “
Airport Manager Mike Connell was on hand to chat with the crowd of nearly 50 attendees who toured the hangars, touched airplanes and enjoyed a catered lunch provided by the chamber and Luther College Catering.
Connell, a master pilot who also serves as the airport’s fixed base operator, shared his excitement about the long-awaited $2 million airport upgrade, which is slated to break ground in March of 2025. The current maintenance hangar, built in 1972, will be razed, the cracking asphalt and concrete will be replaced, and a larger maintenance hangar will be built. Additionally, a new pilots lounge and terminal offices will be added to the hangar, replacing the current hangar which is neaerly 60-years-old and houses the FBO offices as well as the antiquated pilots lounge. City Manager Travis Goedken was present at the event and gave further insight about the project.
“This has been three years in the making,” Goedken said. “It has taken eight grants to get the project covered, and it is now 83 percent grant-funded, with the city matching $300,000.”
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