Area women invited to City Rest Room

By Roz Weis,

1924 ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO: The officers of the Decorah Civic Club have invited all area women interested in the good of Decorah to meet in the City Rest Room next Tuesday. At the gathering, it will be decided whether the Civic Club should disband or shall move forward as a vital force for good in this community. All women are urged to be present.

…The price of butter here in the area has fluctuated 25 times in the past year. The lowest price was 38 cents a pound; and the highest price per pound was 55 cents.

…Last Saturday proved a bad day for three Decorah ladies who all fell and incurred painful injuries. Mrs. L.K. Knight fell on the train platform over at Fayette as she was awaiting to return to Decorah after visiting her sister. She broke two bones below the knee. Mr. Knight was gravely concerned and made a taxi trip to Fayette late that night to attend to her. Then, Mrs. Meyrick fell on Water Street and broke her left wrist. The third incident of the day occurred when Mrs. Theresa Assela fell in front of Fred Sellman’s residence on West Water and broke her wrist. 

…The Busy Bee Club was entertained last Friday at the home of Miss Mabel Berg of Decorah. Her tables were tastefully decorated with hearts. A delicious Valentine dinner was served by the hostess.

…Rob Schupanitz from over at Festina had some dental work done at Ossian in the fore part of the week.

…Leo Huinker and Miss Mathilda Einck were married at St. Mary’s Church on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1924 at 9 o’clock. They were attended by Oscar Huinker and Miss Julia Wenthold.

…A surprise party was tendered by Mr. and Mrs. William Hauber from Calmar Township recently. A large crowd attended and the evening was merrily spent at tripping the light fantastic. Thompson’s wild banjo band furnished the music. The ladies brought baskets and a midnight supper was enjoyed by all.

…FOR RENT: A 120-acre farm about a half-mile from the Decorah City Limits. Good buildings. $535 cash, payable half in February and the other half in November.

…FRONT PAGE NEWS: Zephie Koshatka from over at Calmar shares her Angel Food Cake recipe with readers: Put some salt into 11 egg whites. Beat until stiff, but not dry. Add 1 level tsp. of cream of tartar, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour (slowly), ½ tsp. baking powder and some vanilla flavoring. Bake in an ungreased pan for 49 to 60 minutes. Zephie says, “Do as the recipe states, and you will be sure to succeed.”

1934 NINETY YEARS AGO: The reign of nicknames has swept through Decorah High School. Alvin (Pete) Finberg is “Toots” or “Feedbox.” LaVerne Miller is “Potato Patch” or “Sonny Boy”. Arlene Weston is “Rowdy” and Les Forde is “Norske.” – This “breaking news” comes from the Decorah Dynamo column in the newspaper.

…More than 1,650 Winneshiek County farmers in 20 townships have already signed contracts with the U.S. government to reduce corn production acreage by 20 percent and hog farrowing by 25 percent. This is the clean-up phase of a new campaign.

…FRONT PAGE NEWS: John L. Rygg of Winnebago Street had a pleasant birthday surprise the other evening when a telephone message was received from his family in Washington, D.C.

…The rental charge of $2.40 a month for each of the 97 street light posts in Decorah will be eliminated by the Interstate Power Company if the proposed contract for city lighting and power supply for the pumping house is accepted. It is understood that there could be a savings of about $200 a month to the city if a new contract is signed.

…The Decorah Girl Scouts are hosting a wedding gown pageant next month. At this time, wedding gowns from the Civil War Days to the present will be worn and displayed at the reception.

…William Johnson of the A&J Agency attended to matters of business over in Cresco the other day.

…Art Puffer (accordian artist) and his All Americans will put on dance music at Higgins’ Ballroom in Decorah next Thursday night.

…A fine group of young people from Hesper will present a home talent play “All a Mistake” on Feb. 23 and 24 at the Hesper Schoolhouse. Special numbers will be given by Martin Folstad, violinist and Mrs. Bernard Nash. Half of the proceeds of the play will be given to the school.

…Our Siewers Springs trout hatchery is among the finest in the state, according to the Iowa Fish and Game Commissioner. There will be an investment by the State of Iowa of between $15,000 and $20,000 for construction of a superintendent’s home, garages for trucks, dam for power, the power plant, fish ponds and rearing ponds. After describing the fine facility, the Commissioner paid highest tribute to the CCC boys here working on the project. The boys are doing all the excavation work by hand.

…The Geo. Bernatz Sons grocery is having a special on imported fish balls – 19 cents per pound; powdered sugar is 19 cents for three pounds; and three cans of Campbell’s soup are 21 cents – total. Stop next week for the deal on corn meal – 5 pounds for 13 cents.

…Ed Youmans, owner of the land on which the Silvercrest Golf Club is now located, hopes to sell the land on which the nine-hole golf course is located to a group of 15 Decorah residents for $100 each. He is anxious to have the name of the grounds changed from Silvercrest to “Whippoorwill”.

…Arnold Hovden, who operates the Kozy Korner Tavern over at Ridgeway, is enlarging the dance floor to accommodate larger crowds. He plans to engage orchestras for regular dancing.

…The annual meeting of the Protivin Creamery was held recently at Zahasky’s Hall. Two new directors, Frank Ira and Frank Koudelka, were elected.

…There will be a mock radio program at the church in Burr Oak next week, sponsored by the Ladies Aid. A good clean program full of good music and lots of pep is promised audiences. Everyone is welcome.

…BIG NEWS! If you plan to lose anything, you had better do it at the Kahler Hotel in Rochester, Minn. A small purse containing $10 and several other items was lost by Dr. Fritchen’s wife about three weeks ago when the Decorah couple were guests at the Kahler. She wrote to the hotel when she discovered she had missplaced her purse. It is now nearly three weeks later, and she has received a package in the mail from the Kahler with the purse, money and other articles enclosed – undisturbed.

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