Apple Grafting Workshop registration is under way

Imagine the joy of picking heirloom apples off the boughs of your very own apple tree. Then imagine the fulfillment of knowing you grafted and planted that apple tree with your very own hands.

That’s the invitation from the Seed Savers Exchange organizers of the upcoming 2024 Virtual Apple Grafting Workshop April 5-6.Over the course of two days, participants will learn—through presentations and small-group sessions—the
techniques required to bench graft new apple trees successfully. Seed Savers’ knowledgeable staff will walk through the process of splicing dormant scionwood and rootstocks, leaving plenty of time for questions.
Everything needed (including scionwood, rootstock, and tools) is available as add-ons through registration. Organizers said spots are limited and early registration is encouraged.
In addition to the April dates, registration includes additional instruction and support throughout
the year.
● April 26, 1 p.m. Central Time: Planting Your Tree
● May 31, 1 p.m. Central Time: Disbudding and Taping Up
● Oct, 11, 1 p.m. Central Time: Protecting Your Tree for Winter

Lindsay Lee, Seed Savers Exchange’s orchard and horticultural advisor, describes himself as an “old-school nurseryman.” He has logged over 45 years in the ornamental horticulture trades, with 30 of those running Willowglen, a seed-to-sale perennial plant nursery near Decorah.
Jamie Hanson, Seed Savers Exchange orchard manager, oversees the maintenance of two eight-acre apple orchards. She began her journey into the world of horticulture at the College of the Atlantic, where she cultivated a deep-seated passion for the historical significance of fruit trees and their cultivation.
The nonprofit Seed Savers Exchange stewards Americaʼs culturally diverse and endangered garden and food crop legacy for present and future generations. The organization educates and connects people through collecting, regenerating, and sharing heirloom seeds, plants, and stories. Learn more at the

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