Total Market Coverage
There are over 70,000 potential customers in this circle.
- Decorah Leader - published every Thursday
- The Driftless - published every Tuesday
- 110 Washington Street, Suite 4 Decorah, IA 52101
- Telephone: 563-382-4221
- FAX: 563-382-5949
Rate Information - Effective June 1, 2024
Business Phone Number
TELEPHONE: (563) 382-4221
FAX : (563 )382-5949
- Iowa Newspaper Association, 319 East 5th, Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- American Newspaper Representatives, Inc., 404 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10018
- We reserve the right to revise our rate at any time.
- We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertisement which we deem objectionable either in subject matter, phraseology, or for any other reason.
General Advertising Rates
- Decorah Leader $11.00/col. in.
- The Driftless $13.00/col. in.
- Website - tile ad with link $65.00/month
- Minimum ad size 1 col. by 2 inch
- National rate for Decorah Leader $11.00/col. in.
- National rate for The Driftless $16.00/col. in.
Position Charges
- No special position is sold, but an attempt is made to follow request.
- Display classified $13.00 /col. in.
- Classified line ad $7.50 minimum charge (15 words or less, includes Internet) - 25¢ per word after that (each initial or abbreviated word counts as a word).
- Minimum ad size 1 col. by 2 inch
Closing Dates
- Copy for the Thursday Decorah Leader must be in newspaper office by 4 p.m. on the previous Monday.
- Copy for the Tuesday Driftless must be in newspaper office by 4 p.m. on the previous Thursday.
Color Advertising
We accept color advertising
- add $2.00 per column inch
Mechanical Requirements
- Decorah Leader width of page (6 columns) 11.42 inches
- The Driftless width of page (6 columns) 11.42 inches
- Decorah Leader depth of page 21.5 inches
- The Driftless depth of page 21.5 inches
- Column widths:
- 1 column: 1.76 inches
- 2 columns: 3.69 inches
- 3 columns: 5.63 inches
- 4 columns: 7.56 inches
- 5 columns: 9.49 inches
- 6 columns: 11.42 inches
- Width of each gutter: 1/8 inch
- Decorah Leader total column inches per page: 129
- The Driftless total column inches per page: 129
- Offset publication
Circulation Information
- Public Opinion 2,000
- Driftless Journal 18,500
- Website over 50,000 visits per month
Electronic Advertising
We accept advertising electronically
- Send to:
Per Piece
- Single Sheet - 7.00¢
- 4-8 pages - 7.25¢
- 12 pages - 7.50¢
- 16 pages - 7.75¢
- 20 pages - 8.00¢
- 24 pages - 8.25¢
- 28 pages - 8.50¢
- 32 pages - 8.75¢
Inserts must be quarter-folded or an additional 2¢ per piece charge will be applied. Minimum quantity: 2,500